我是一朵不起眼的墨西哥蓝鸟, 一种公认的生命力顽强且易养殖的多肉植物.

I am an unattractive Mexico blue bird, a kind of succulent which is vigorous and easy to plant.

我由经验老道的花农栽培, 安稳度过了稚嫩的幼苗期.

I was sowed by an experienced flower grower and got through the immature seedling period safely.

我被摆在大街上售卖. 有人远远的观赏我, 有人端起我细细怜悯, 有人只看了我一眼却把我买回了家.

When I was placed on the street for sale, someone admired me from afar, someone took me and had pity on me, but there was a person who bought me home after just taking a look at me.


我被精心呵护, 渐渐长满了整个花盆.

I took the whole flowerpot gradually with great care.


这狭小的空间限制了我自由、纵情的生长. 我即将被移栽, 去一个更大的地方. 满心期待.

The narrow space restricted my free and unbridled growth. I will be transplanted and live in a larger home. I was full of anticipation.

金秋时节, 我经过复杂的工序, 被移到了约两倍大的新家.

In the autumn, I was moved to a new home about two times larger after a complicated process.

(图片丢失, image lost)

由于移栽时根部受损, 我开始枯萎. 但我仍然被按时浇水.

I began to wither because my roots were damaged when transplanting. But I was still watered on time.

(图片丢失, image lost)

There is a miracle, when you believe. 枯萎的花盘上钻出了新的花朵.




如果当时我被移栽成功, 现在我将会拥有一朵占满新花盆的硕大无比的花. 在下一个秋天继续被移栽.

If I were transplanted successfully at that time, now I may take all space of the new flowerpot. Maybe I will be transplanted again in the next autumn.

虽然经历了枯萎, 但我现在开了许多小花. 我的未来充满了无限种可能, 而不仅仅是在真正的死亡来临之前,轮回于占满花盆和移栽之间.

Although I have suffered withering, I get many small flowers now. My future is full of possibilities, not just cycling between occupying pots and transplanting before the real death coming.




Many thanks to Xiaoqian for babysitting my flower during the winter vacation.



经历了许多变数, 我又一次占满了花盆. 虽然仍然需要被移栽, 但我相信我的生活将会更加丰富多彩.

I have already taken all space of the current flowerpot. Although transplant is still needed, I believe my life will be more colorful.


This flower has been given to Xiaoqian as a gift when I left Weihai.


End of story.

Reborn——My Flower and I | Yujian(Paul) Zheng 郑玉健